You are here: Home Available Courses WC Seasonal School for Councillors-2020 (Oct-Nov 2020)

WC Seasonal School for Councillors-2020 (Oct-Nov 2020)

This one (1) day seminar per District will provide a basic overview on the following topical issues based on Section 195 of our Constitution: • My personal value system as a catalyst for effective public leadership and governance in the Western Cape; • Unpacking the contributing values to servant(democratic) public leadership and governance; • Understanding my own value set and its influence on an effective and productive municipal environment; • How do I as a Councillor fulfill my oversight role in an ethical manner; • How do I deal and respond to fraud and corruption • The role my values play in deepening democracy in the Western Cape Municipalities The 1 Day Seminars will be held in ff. Districts: -Cape Winelands District; -West Coast District; -Garden Route District; Central Karoo District; Overberg District.